iPhone vs Android, who's better

iPhone vs Android, Apple co-founder thinks Android will beat iPhone

Trouble in Appleville. These days, Apple co-founder Steve Wozniak gave an interview to a Danish media outlet in which he made several statements worthy of display. For a start, he assured that they had the first mobile phone (a kind of primitive iPhone), which they finally ruled out releasing to the market.

According to the De Telegraph newspaper, Wozniak called the cancellation a serious mistake, as the launch could have given Apple a very lucrative smartphone advantage that would have helped it crush competitors in the future. This comes on the heels of musings by Steve Jobs’ former partner on mobile operating systems, who, according to a European newspaper transcript, said that Android would eventually overtake the iPhone as it was equipped with more features.

However, Woz’s words deserve some necessary nuance. For starters, Android is already looking at the iPhone in the rear-view mirror, and in the US and global markets, Google’s operating system was once second to Finland’s Nokia with its Symbian.

iPhone vs Android, who will win the battle

And further, as Wozniak himself said after the interview was published, there was no hint in his words that Android would eventually beat Apple and its iOS in the future.

According to the protagonist of the story, the newspaper took some liberties with the transcript, even distorting his answers significantly. By doing so, Wozniak removed the ambiguity and made it clear that, in his opinion, iOS is far superior to Android.

He acknowledged that Android was clearly growing in popularity, but urged caution, noting that even if it succeeded in building a large app shop, it would still lag behind the iPhone.