shared hosting or dedicated server

Which is better, shared hosting or dedicated server?

When placing a site or a specific resource on the Internet, you need to choose different options. This can be either shared hosting, United Kingdom Dedicated Server or another country, or a physical server. But also recently, business hosting is often singled out. But it is worth understanding everything in more detail in order to understand all the features.

Shared hosting

This solution today is the most affordable, but not always effective. Suitable if you need to place a business card site on the network. There is no need for extensive capabilities, increased power and non-standard solutions. So the simple option will be the most correct. In this case, several sites will be located on one server, which share the available capacities among themselves.

The advantages include precisely the affordable cost, but at the same time there is a direct dependence on the neighbors. Here, guaranteed resources are not allocated for a specific site, everything depends on each other.

Business hosting

This is a fairly young model that does not have the disadvantage of classic hosting. In this situation, the client receives a guaranteed amount of resources. As for the distribution mechanism, everything is similar to VPS. But for the price, everything is much cheaper. And if the project is not demanding, then business hosting should be considered.

What is a dedicated server

Dedicated server

For example, there is a site that is visited by several tens of thousands of people a day, an extensive database is used there, and all this is accompanied by a huge number of requests, the user may have a personal account, and so on.

And in this case, it is worth considering a VPS or a physical server. The first option is cheaper than the second. But what’s the difference? All worth exploring:

  1. The physical server is fully controlled, the company’s specialists have access to the data center in order to configure and maintain the equipment. And this greatly improves data security.
  2. VPS is more flexible solution. For example, something needs to be added or removed. And all this can be done almost in real time.
  3. In a situation with a physical server, there are no bottlenecks in the operation of the operating system. In the second case, there may be
  4. VPS is not tied to hardware, if the situation requires it, you can create a copy of the VM, and it can be easily transferred to another server or even to another hosting.

So what is the best choice?

In fact, it all depends on the needs. If there are no specific resource requirements, and there is no desire to be dependent on neighbors, then you should choose business hosting.

In the case of a large number of users, when increased security is required, then a dedicated server should be considered. And the client himself decides whether it will be physical or virtual.